Easy Slideshow

Google Play:

    Photo slideshow
  • sd card
    Network photo slideshow
  • Facebook album

Under Development
  • export and share slideshow video
  • user defined slideshow
  • support twitter photo
  • support flicker photo
  • support picasa photo

Android Studio gradle sync error

I got gradle sync error when building android app in android studio.

Error message:
     No subject alternative DNS name matching found

Handler and Post Message on Android

How to use handler and message when we need to control UI in another work thread.

note.  UI control is available only in main thread(UI thread).

Creating Processes on Windows

    There are several ways to create processes on windows.In this article I will show how to implement with ShellExecute/CreateProcess functions, and discuss what problems might occur if using these functions on windows 7.

Integrating Ogre3D 1.7.4 with Qt 4.8.1


      Many people discussed about how to integrate with Ogre3D engine and Qt libraries. Here are some implements,including 3rd add-on named QtOgreFramework at Ogre3D official site, a framework named QtOgre on Ogre Forums, and some articles.

      According these articles and add-on souce, I try to integrate Ogre3D in Qt application by rendering Ogre3D content on Qt QWidge.

Android Game Engine : build AndEngine source


        Android發展至今, 現今的遊戲引擎其實並不少, 但與x86平台相比大部分的引擎其成熟度仍未很完善, 其中較有名氣的有商業的Unreal,Unity3D, 免費的Rokon, libgdx, AndEngine等等.

        去除商業的Unreal,Unity3D不論, 目前免費遊戲引擎的主流為libgdx以及AndEngine, Rokon則是已停止開發, 本文以下簡介AndEngine的功能以及環境建置注意項目.

Creating a bootable usb device(ramdisk)


        如果各位有在學習作業系統的, 應該會對live cd或者live usb這個詞不陌生, 在使用電腦上, 很多時候我們只是想試用一下系統, 而不想安裝老半天才能開機來用, 又或者想把系統帶著, 不管到哪台機器上都能執行系統, 這種時候就可以使用live cd/usb, 在機器上放入live cd/usb, 透過cd/usb來啟動系統.

        Linux有些版本的官方安裝光碟就內含live cd功能, 可以讓使用者不安裝就直接開機試用, 相當的便利, live cd/usb的製作, 市面上有很多現成的工具, 不過如果想自己從無到有建立要怎麼做呢, 本文對linux下建立live usb的流程做說明.